It was interesting. Not exactly exciting: a bit of an anticlimax I guess. I didn't even take any pictures.
I got to meet and chat with a bunch of people, and that was cool. I gave away some charms and found objects, in keeping with the theme of the book, Making Mixed Media Art Charms and Jewelry. And of course I got to look at and drool over millions of beads. It was a major effort but I managed not to spend a ton of money. A good thing, too, finances being what they are in this household right now.
Maybe the best thing was seeing my (our) book in print, bound, with a cover, for the very first time. No, that was the second best thing. The best thing was stopping at my Mom's house and showing her a copy. She said, "I'm proud of you, Peggy." It was worth all the effort of writing the book to hear that. I wish my dad had been there.
Anti climax?
I *LOVE* that you brought it to your mom to see!!!
That is the greatest!!!
Well...at least you got to go and see our new book, you lucky dog you!
Yours will be in the mail in a few days!
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